5 April
Where employer's deductions were $500,000 or more in the previous year, IR348 and IR345 (or IR346) are to be filed. Deductions made from the period 16 March to 31 March are payable.
7 April
ACC Levies
Earner premium and employer premium (residual claims levy) due if balance date is between 1 March and 30 September.
8 April
Terminal Tax
Terminal Tax Payments for taxpayers (with a tax agent) with balance dates between 1 March and 30 September.
20 April
20 April
File FBT return IR420 for the quarter ending 31 March (if completed on a quarterly basis) and pay the tax due.
20 April
Gaming Machine Duty
Gaming Machine Duty Return IR680 and payment due for the month ended 31 March.
20 April
RWT Deducted from interest payments made during March where deductions are equal to, or exceed, $500. Dividends paid during March. Interest payments made from 1 October to 31 March where the deductions do not exceed $500 per month.
20 April
Dividend withholding payments
Dividend withholding payments relating to foreign dividends received in the quarter ending 31 March.
28 April
GST Return and payment for the period ended 31 March